Pages - File Types - DOC

Files Types - DOC

The DOC file format is often used by Microsoft Word, also .DOC is very common amongst other word processing software. DOC is short for Document and can contain charts, formatted text, graphs, images and tables.


There are a few variations of the document file which have their own features.

Extension File Format Name Description
.docWord 97-2003 DocumentThe binary file format for Word 97-Word 2003.
.docmWord Macro-Enabled DocumentThe XML-based and macro-enabled file format for Word 2013, Word 2010 and Office Word 2007. Stores Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) macro code.
.docxWord DocumentThe default XML-based file format for Word 2013, Word 2010 and Office Word 2007.
.dotWord 97-2003 TemplateTemplate for Word 97-Word 2003 files.
.dotmWord Macro-Enabled TemplateTemplate for creating new Word 2013, Word 2010 and Office Word 2007 files that contain macros. Users who want to include UI customizations or macros in the template should use this file format.
.dotxWord TemplateTemplate for creating new Word 2013, Word 2010 and Office Word 2007 files that do not contain macros.


While most computers will have software installed that can open DOC files there can be issues with interpretation of the information. Each computer, software package or even software version can layout the same DOC file differently, this is something to be mindful of when distributing files.

One way to ensure the recipient opens the document with the correct layout is to save it as a PDF, however this normally prevents the editing of the document.

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